Is there a hearing aid that doesn't go in the ear?

A bone conduction hearing aid is an alternative to a regular hearing aid for people with problems with the outer or middle ear. It transfers sound through bone vibration directly to the cochlea, bypassing the outer ear and middle ear.

Is there a hearing aid that doesn't go in the ear?

A bone conduction hearing aid is an alternative to a regular hearing aid for people with problems with the outer or middle ear. It transfers sound through bone vibration directly to the cochlea, bypassing the outer ear and middle ear. This means it's useful for conductive and mixed hearing losses. As the name suggests, behind-the-ear headphones have a design that allows the main body of the hearing aid to be behind the ear.

Then, a transparent, discrete tube is connected to an ear mold or dome and placed inside the ear canal. A new type of BTE hearing aid is an open-fit hearing aid. Small, open-fit headphones fit completely behind the ear, with only a narrow tube inserted into the ear canal, allowing the canal to remain open. For this reason, open-fit hearing aids may be a good option for people who experience an accumulation of earwax, since these types of hearing aids are less likely to be damaged by such substances.

In addition, some people may prefer the open-fit hearing aid because their perception of their voice doesn't sound “connected”. MDHearing has a versatile line to choose from, but its more expensive option lacks some of the advanced features that other hearing aids on this list have, such as a wider range of customization options and natural sound processing (which uses a combination of sensors and artificial intelligence to reproduce sound more accurately). Directional microphones hold great promise in making it easier for people to hear a single conversation, even when surrounded by other noises and voices. If you have a more serious hearing loss, which requires more amplification, feedback may occur at lower settings in an open-fit style than in a closed-fit style.

However, in order to comply with the regulations in force until now (which did not allow over-the-counter hearing aids), companies that sell directly from their websites require customers to sign a medical exemption in which they recognize that the FDA believes that it is best for you to consult an audiologist before purchasing (see figure). The MiniRite hearing aid sits discreetly behind the ear and is connected using a thin cable instead of a tube. A telephone coil is a small magnetic coil that allows users to receive sound through the hearing aid's circuits, rather than through their microphone. Over-the-counter therapy won't be for all types of hearing loss, but if it opens the door to those who weren't willing to seek professional help before, I would consider it a success, Kupfer says.

Rechargeable hearing aid batteries allow you to recharge your devices instead of buying new batteries and replacing them regularly. Since an audiologist doesn't have to take impressions from your ear and send them in exchange for personalized parts, you can place your hearing aids directly in the office. This hearing aid is located deep in the ear canal, but is slightly larger and more visible than a CIC device. Oticon trained the More hearing aid with 12 million sounds until it was able to instantly recognize each sound and organize groups of sounds in different environments.

Digital hearing aids convert sound waves into numerical codes similar to computer codes and then amplify them. Another option is to purchase the same devices available at an audiologist's office or hearing center from a discount network such as Zip Hearing for up to 35% less than the retail price. The following are some of the most popular additional features that can make your hearing aid even more efficient and enjoyable to use. Like other devices on this list, the Signia Silk X doesn't require an in-person appointment with a hearing professional.


Austin Hughes
Austin Hughes

Devoted coffee lover. Incurable twitter specialist. Award-winning music specialist. Infuriatingly humble zombie guru. Travel guru.

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